Find the Bus

Want to know where Gus the Bus might be next?

NO Appointments- Walk up ONLY

Pro Tip: Difficult dogs often do better with a HOME visit with the bus. Click the "request an appointment" button on the home page.

Weather changes/BUS issues will be on our FB page

MARCH 2025


Benson's Rotterdam with BUS $25****

1520 Altamont Ave. Rotterdam

MARCH 2 11-1pm

Benson's Ballston Ave with Bus $25****

175 Ballston Ave.Saratoga

MARCH 2 3:30-5:30pm

***** The bus is coming to Rotterdam and Ballston Ave Bensons. Rotterdam: I will be in the front parking lot and you take a beeper from the box by the bus and return to your vehicle and be ready to be beeped. Ballston Ave will still line up inside (new spot) and the bus will be behind the store. So you still form a line inside but go out the back door for the bus. lets see how it works.********

GrandeVille Of Malta $25

1 Landau Blvd (by Clubhouse)- Malta

MARCH 4 5-7pm

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

MARCH 6 4-6pm


(I will stay till ALL dogs are done

but will leave if no dogs at 6pm)

Benson's Colonie (with BUS) $25

197 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205

MARCH 7 5-6pm


(I will stay till ALL dogs are done

but will leave if no dogs at 6pm)

Wag Town Grooming $25 BUS
15 Glenridge Rd Parking Lot

MARCH 9 2-3pM

Benson's Clifton Park (with BUS) $25

12 Fire Rd

MARCH 14 5-7pm

NEW:Benson's Wilton (with BUS) $25

3083 NY-50, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

MARCH16 12-2 PM

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

MARCH 20 4-6pm

Menands: Capital District Regional Market:


373 Broadway, Albany, NY

MARCH 22 11-1pm

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

MARCH 27 4-6pm

Benson's Clifton Park (with BUS) $25

12 Fire Rd

MARCH 28 5-7pm

yellow Labrador retriever biting yellow tulip flower
yellow Labrador retriever biting yellow tulip flower

APRIL 2025

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

APRIL 3 4-6pm

Benson's Colonie (with BUS) $25

197 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205

April 4 5-6pm


(I will stay till ALL dogs are done

but will leave if no dogs at 6pm)


Benson's Rotterdam with BUS $25****

1520 Altamont Ave. Rotterdam

April 6 11-1pm

Benson's Ballston Ave with Bus $25****

175 Ballston Ave.Saratoga

April 6 3:30-5:30pm

***** The bus is coming to Rotterdam and Ballston Ave Bensons. Rotterdam: I will be in the front parking lot and you take a beeper from the box by the bus and return to your vehicle and be ready to be beeped. Ballston Ave will still line up inside (new spot) and the bus will be behind the store. So you still form a line inside but go out the back door for the bus. lets see how it works.********

GrandeVille Of Malta $25

1 Landau Blvd (by Clubhouse)- Malta

April 8 5-7pm

Benson's Clifton Park (with BUS) $25

12 Fire Rd

April 11 5-7pm

Wag Town Grooming $25 BUS
15 Glenridge Rd Parking Lot

April 13 2-3pM

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

April 17 4-6pm

Capital District Regional Market: MENANDS RED BARN

373 Broadway, Albany, NY

April 19 11-1pm

Devoe's Rainbow Orchard (bus) $25

1569 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY

April 24 4-6pm

Benson's Clifton Park (with BUS) $25

12 Fire Rd

April 25 5-7pm

NEW:Benson's Wilton (with BUS) $25

3083 NY-50, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

April 27 12-2 PM

black pug with gray knit scarf
black pug with gray knit scarf
