Q: My dog hates getting their nails cut. Can you still do them?

A: I will always try my best. Very few dogs leave without their nails done. NOT every dog will be happy. Many will fight me but I do my best to make it as easy as possible. NOT every dog will have a stress free appointment. I only hope that with time and consistency we will make it easier. Large dogs can have an additional fee (they require so much more skill to work with and my chiropractor will thank you)

Q: Do you use a Dremel?

A: Not for the entire trim. I use a nail clipper and use a grinder if needed.

Q: Can I stay with my dog?

A: Yes, unless it’s easier with you out of their view. Some dogs want to jump on mom/dad to “rescue” them and thats when I ask for you to step out of the bus and we can try it solo.

Q: What makes your service unique?

A: We are not like anyone out there. Our custom rebuilt bus is designed with ONLY your dogs nails in mind. We have a HUGE electric table that goes to 8inches off the floor and it has a little side step to help the senior dogs with those 8inches. This table has proper support tools to keep your dog on the table and facing forward. This is great for those dogs who like to try and chomp on the nail person.

We are super clean and use plant based cleaner that is 100% pet safe if they lick anything. Everything gets a good cleaning. You may see lots of nails on the floor if you attend a busy pop up (imagine 25 toes that need trimming per dog) we do clean up when we can while on these pop ups.

The flooring is installed "sideways" so slipping is reduced. We have treats hidden on the bus and usually in our pockets. Most time its single protein treats. Plus on the bus there is no clean up for you!

We diffuse calming essential oils (all pet safe no worries) to help reduce as much stress as possible. Heather has been working with dogs for over 20years both in her mobile grooming business and at local shelters. Little dogs love being held and Heather may do them on her lap.

We also have a vest system for those extra wiggly smaller dogs that refuse to stand. Some pups can wiggle so well, it is really had to keep them on their feet and in our support system.

We are also 1-1 no other dogs around your dog while on the bus. If you do a home visit then there is no waiting in line or seeing other dogs than your own.

Q: My dog has black nails..?

A: So do mine..lol. It’s okay, I've cut thousands and thousands of black nails. Yes, they can bleed and we use a product call “quick stop” to stop the bleeding. Kind of like a men’s septic pencil to stop shaving cuts.

Q: My dog is limping. Will a nail trim help?

A: Maybe. Maybe not. When a nail is too long it will cause the feet and shoulders to “scrunch” up and cause structural misalignments. This can cause pain and structure problems. Also a limp can be from arthritis or a bigger health concern. If your dogs nails are clicking on the floor we can try trimming the nails and see if that helps (it often does)

Q: My vet has to sedate my dog in order to do nails. Can you do without sedation?

A: I have done many difficult dogs. I can not promise, but will always do my best to get it done. For the best result, I may need your help. I do not sedate or do any sedated dogs. These dogs will result in extra charges to cover their handling (its not easy and comes with many risks)

Q: Can you do their nails IN my home instead?

A: We only do nails in the bus. We are not an 'in home' service. The bus has all the tools we need to be safe.

Q: Im not in your service area but want to use this service. What can we do?

A: You can come to one of our “pop up clinics”(link to that page) or maybe a friend is in our booking areas. You can fill out an application and I can connect when we expand or have a business in your area that lets us park and trim for a walk in clinic situation

Q: What if you or your dog can't do stairs, how will we get into your bus?

A: Yes, there are 3 steps to walk up through the bus doors. You can carry them up the steps if you need to. If the dog is too big we can try a little “run for a treat” kinds of game and hope that works. Most dogs think it's the car and it's time for a ride. There is no ramp.

Q: How often should I have you come?

A: Some dogs need their nails done every 2-3 weeks. Some dogs do it 2xs a year. Keep an eye on them and listen to see if they are tapping on the floor.

Q: What is the cancellation policy?

A: Cancellation/Forgotten Appointment Rules:

Greater than 2 business days notice (48-hours) is required for cancelling or rescheduling for any reason or the customer will be charged for the reserved services and the appointment—due to not only the cancelled appointment but also the lost opportunity to schedule other customers who wanted that same appointment time.

Not home, cancellations, and rescheduling less than 2 business days (48-hours) prior to appointment for any reason result in a bill for 100% of the scheduled service(s).

Leaving a key/code for entry is always an option instead of cancellation. I have 15 years of mobile experience and used this option VERY frequently for busy parents. If this is used and animal hides or is unable to be safely secured to remove from the home, the above fees will be due.

No future appointments will be made until the above services are paid.